We are sure it will be hard to understand and take this release. It consists of 6 very peculiar ambient tracks which were made in collaboration with Clin, keyboardist of Ukrainian cult band Reusmarkt. It also contains 3 black-metal tracks (which are also of very uncommon style for Kroda). All of the tracks are so dissimilar that none could be a quintessence of the whole album's preview. That's why we have decided to choose the cover version of the classic Ukrainian Black Metal - "Under the Banners of the Horned Knjaz" by Nokturnal Mortum as the representative of this release.
Purity Through Fire
P.O. Box 1154
08110 Wilkau-Hasslau
Es besteht Konformitaet des Produkts nach Richtlinie 2001/95/EG.
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