Seated at Fitjar on Stord Island in Norway, the 4-piece ORMABOL is giving you Metal inspired by old tales, crooked fjords, steep mountains and a large dose of Black, Death and Heavy Metal. Call it evil Forest Metal or blackened Folk Metal with a dark twist, it sure as hell is not your average jolly tunes. "Horg" features a real raw sound that relates to old times before modern technology age, bringing elements from the underground music they had back then and mix it with the dark brutality from Norwegian Black Metal adding barking short riffs to increase the energy level to get the feeling of being chased by a feral beast. Maybe the perfect blend of ISENGARD´s "Hostmørke" and "Nordavind" by legendary STORM.
Industrial manufactured pro-dublicated CDR. Packed in a 6-panel matt Digipack and sealed in a PVC sleeve. Strictly limited to 100 handnumbered copies.